C1 Corona Immunitas Fribourg

C1 Corona Immunitas Fribourg

Corona Immunitas Fribourg aims to measure the proportion of the population that has been exposed to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the canton of Fribourg since the beginning of the pandemic.

Any person aged 20 years or more, residing in the canton of Fribourg, can participate to the study. Invited people are chosen at random and recruited in two phases - in July/September and in November 2020. Blood samples are collected and analyzed using serological tests to detect the presence or absence of antibodies against the coronavirus. Additional information about participants’ symptoms and behavior in the context of COVID-19 is regularly collected by means of questionnaires.

Corona Immunitas Fribourg contributes to the monitoring of the evolution of the pandemic at the national and regional level.

State of the study

Persons tested to date in the study.

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Science Channel

All relevant papers about Corona Immunitas can be downloaded here as PDF files.