E1 Corona Immunitas Zurich

E1 Corona Immunitas Zurich

In the Corona Immunitas study, the aim is to find out how many people in the canton of Zurich have already become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Randomly selected persons aged 18 and over from the canton were invited to participate. The study included the completion an initial questionnaire, a blood test to measure antibodies, and answering weekly and monthly questionnaires for a period of up to one year after blood collection. In these questionnaires the participants are asked how they feel, whether they have symptoms of COVID-19 disease, whether there was a positive coronavirus test, etc. According to current planning we expect 3 test phases: Summer 2020, Fall/Winter 2020 and Spring 2021.

State of the study

Persons tested to date in the study.

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Science Channel

All relevant papers about Corona Immunitas can be downloaded here as PDF files.