C4 Corona Immunitas Nestlé

C4 Corona Immunitas Nestlé

The main objective is to assess the extent of infection with the new coronavirus amThis will be measured through serological tests to detect the presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the blood of the participants.

Nestlé has implemented general and job-specific protective measures to enable its employees to continue working during the pandemic. This study will also assess the impact of these measures against the spread of the virus, on quality of life and work performance of the employees.

All Nestlé employees working for Nestlé Research (Vers-chez-les-Blanc and EPFL sites), and of the Nespresso factory in Romont are invited to participate in this study.

This study will be conducted in two phases with a first blood test in November/December 2020, followed by a second blood test in March/April 2021. We will also collect information through questionnaires that include questions about health status and potential symptoms related to COVID-19.

State of the study

Persons tested to date in the study.

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Science Channel

All relevant papers about Corona Immunitas can be downloaded here as PDF files.