H1 Corona Immunitas Luzern

H1 Corona Immunitas Luzern

The aim of the Corona Immunitas Study Lucerne is to find out how many people in the canton of Lucerne have antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Based on a random sample selected by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, slightly more than 200 adults per age group (20 to 64 years and 65+ years) were tested in the first phase (January and February 2021), and slightly more than 300 adults per age group were tested in the second phase (May to July 2021).

Results and information on the first phase in the canton of Lucerne can be found here:


The second phase in the canton of Lucerne has now also been completed (as of July 2021). All test results from the over 600 study participants have been communicated to the participants. Through statistical analysis of these results, it was determined that approximately 58% of the population in the Canton of Lucerne has SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (immunoglobulin G). These results are representative of the population of Canton Lucerne and include those who have already received one or two vaccine doses at the time of the study. Broken down by age group, it can be seen that among those 65+ years of age, 91% have antibodies, which may be indicative of the vaccination strategy. In the younger age group, it is significantly less (50%). This may be related to the fact that the vaccines were not widely available in the canton of Lucerne until mid-May.

Of the total of over 1000 study participants in these two phases, 980 study participants continue to participate regularly in further electronic questionnaires. This will allow further investigation of the impact of protective measures on the spread of the virus and the completeness and duration of immunity.

This study is being conducted at the University of Lucerne (Department of Health Sciences and Medicine) in collaboration with the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (LUKS).

State of the study

Persons tested to date in the study.

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Science Channel

All relevant papers about Corona Immunitas can be downloaded here as PDF files.